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Lorrie Wright is a certified Angel Card Reader.


The Angels are always willing to help. All you have to do is ask.


Angel readings are a wonderful way to get messages, divine guidance, wisdom and clarity from the angels, archangels and ascended masters who support you with unconditional love.  The messages will always be for your highest and best; better then you could ever imagine.


An angel reading is helpful when you are seeking support, love and guidance:


Moving forward with a heartfelt dream,

Connect more deeply with your angels,

Bring healing to a specific area of your life.


Angel Readings are messages from your angels.


During a reading I attune to the ascended masters, archangels, angels and love ones who have passed, to bring forward wisdom and guidance. While interpreting your cards I use both interpretations of the cards as well as channeled guidance.


The readings and answers are always positive and uplifting.


Ways an Angel Reading can be of Benefit:


Provide guidance about a life situation.

Assist you in connecting with your soul’s purpose and gain clarity on your path.

Deepen your connection with your own divine guidance and angelic helpers.

Gain insight and awareness about your heartfelt dreams.

Help bring healing to challenging situations.

Connect with a deeper sense of self-love and self-worth.


Individual and Group Readings Available at $35 per person

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